Onyx Foster

Merc with a sense of humour, Formerly 6th Streeter without one.

The Viceroy of Charter hill… It’s certainly a title, perhaps a title a little too powerful sounding for the man it belongs to, but even then, it’s not a title that’s existed for all that long at all…After all, Onyx Foster came from somewhere, and that somewhere was a lot more humble than he’d portray himself nowadays. Being born the son of a corporate war veteran and a ripperdock, the initial prediction for Onyx’s future was, as should be expected, rather bleak. To make matters worse, his father was one of the very same veterans that made up the original membership base of 6th street in Santo Domingo, which in turn would be where a young Onyx grew up.That upbringing, surrounded by what 6th street once was, left a strong impression on Onyx, that sense of a duty to protect others regardless of the legality of doing so never did unstick from him, even into adulthood, largely thanks to his near enough communal upbringing by the gang, given his parents both didn’t live to see his 10th birthday at best. And of course, the natural path from there was to join up with the gang once he was old enough.It was a path he followed, for a while at least.Onyx joined the 6th Street gang the day he turned sixteen in 2069 and for a long while, the gang was his life. Whatever the gang did, stealing cars, petty thievery, hits on behalf of the gang, all of it was on the table for him, after all, it was just what he knew, but he could, at the same time, see the gang beginning to shift, straying from the ideas that they’d been formed with, the ideas he’d been raised with. By the mid 2070s, his ties with the gang had become strained, mostly due to his disdain for any authority whatsoever, becoming more and more sold on more… Anarchist ideas. This would come to a head in 2076, where he would finally cut ties with them entirely following a hit ordered on "Just some Joytoy" which he was sent to carry out. Of course, Onyx being Onyx did so, firing an automatic shotgun right into a crowd where he was told she'd be, only to realise not even a second after he'd fired, that Joytoy wasn't any old Joytoy, she was someone he knew. He didn’t know her well, not by a long-shot, but he knew very damn well that she wasn’t deserving of it at all.It was that day, that very moment, that the idea of the Viceroys was born.Onyx couldn’t stay in Santo Domingo, not anymore, after he turned on 6th street that was a given, Santo Domingo may as well have belonged to them, but he had at least, once ace up his sleeve. Money. Just enough money to get what was likely the worst apartment in Charter Hill, sure, it was mostly home to mid-level corpo drones, but he could live with them around, they made for good enough cover if anything. Before long, news got around, news always gets around night city, and Onyx had a few handfuls of other former 6th street members coming his way, and the idea of forming a gang of their own, one that in some way upheld the old ways, was seriously floated, and from that, the suit wearing viceroys were born.Early on, things weren’t easy, not that they ever did get easy, but Charter Hill was home to other gangs already, the Mox, and the Tyger Claws. The latter of the two proving to be much more problematic than the former, after all, the Mox’s interest lies with protecting sex workers and the like, with little crossover with Onyx’s little group and their interests. As such, dealing with them was easy. The Tyger Claws, however, were a much less pleasant deal, and fighting started between the two gangs right from the start, and continues on even into 2077, even if dealing with them isn’t a priority for the Viceroys, if the Claws try to meddle, they get the wrong end of them.And since those early days, Charter Hill has always, at the very least, not had to worry about 6th Street trying to muscle in, as almost all of the Viceroys’s work goes towards one singular goal.Keep. Them. Out.It’s that single goal, that remains firm in Onyx’s mind, even a year on from everything beginning, and coming into 2077, he’s got big plans, perhaps plans that are bigger than he has any right having in mind, but those plans all lie in two places and two places alone.Charter Hill, and Dogtown…

- Onyx is known to regularly visit Lizzie's bar. It's his local, and it's the only place in NC he vibes with. Plus, he likes the Mox, even if they aren't the biggest fans of him.- Onyx takes work all over NC, but especially Santo Domingo, he does love to hunt his former gangmates in 6th street for sport after all.- He's always got his piece on display, be it in his hand or on his hip.- Onyx is VERY public about the cybernetics in his arms, more specifically, his Mantis Blades. Which he had modified to be essentially cleavers that were hidden in his forearms, rather than just blades.

  • Name: Onyx Foster, "The Viceroy of Charter Hill"

  • Age: 24

  • Build: Well built, not too muscular, but likely enough to push you around.

  • Gender: Male, He/Him.

  • Sexuality: Heterosexual.

  • Height: 6'6

  • Location of origin: Rancho Coronado

  • Occupation: Leader of the 'Viceroys' gang based in Charter Hill